The inked nylon was stuck and reeled up by the gear wheels. Should open the cover of the cartridge and straighten out the inked nylon.
A. Printer head was abraded seriously and became sharp. Should change the printer head.
B.The printer head is too close to the paper, which causes a heavy strike on the ribbon. Should adjust the distance between the printer head and the paper.
A. Low ink content. Should increase the ink content.
B.The printer head is too close to the platen. Should adjust the distance between the printer head and the platen.
A.Wrong installment of the ribbon cartridge in the printer. Should instally correctly.
B.The printer drive shaft is abraded. Should change the printer drive shaft.
C. Wrong assembling when changing the tape; the nlyon is not straighten out. Should open the cartridge, correctly assemble the gear wheels and the flat spring, and straighten out the nylon.