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Ribbon Product Speech Contest

Date: 2020-11-19 16:58:06 Hits: 663

A proactive working man will never be satisfied by only finishing the tasks allocated to him. What provides him extra senses of accomplishment leads to the personal growth in working competence as well as comprehensive development. Realizing these expectations, the Human Resource department of Ninestar carries out a series of training programs available to all. In 2019, the data of group scaled training (training held by respective business group not included) has reached 45, covering up to 2200 managerial staff. In-house and outsourced trainings, conferences, seminars, WebEx sessions provide employees with better and reliable resources. For example, making presentations and persuading others is an inevitable yet crucial soft skill for every kind of work. Thus, a speech contest is held across the group and relative training sessions taught by experienced tutors are organized. What’s more, there are English lessons for people engaged in overseas market, management skills for managers and above, and Microsoft operation skills for all to improve efficiency, etc. These trainings definitely help to provide more expertise and increase employees’ confidence and satisfaction to be able to perform better on their job. 

 *The Scene of the Speech Contest*

+86 18666990417 (Dora)